Tesla Release Actually Smart Summon in Europe with limitations

Elon Musk used the name “Actually Smart Summon” to spell out ASS, and the feature appears to have found its way to Europe with the 2024.44.3 software update.

But there’s a catch. In Europe, Tesla limits the total summon distance to 591 to 787 inches of travel. The newest revision of UNECE R79, which controls Europe’s autonomy laws, allows for a total travel distance of 3,937 inches. Perhaps Tesla wants to make sure it doesn’t break any rules.

The legislation mandates the driver to be within 236 inches of the summoned vehicle at all times. All of these constraints make Actually Smart Summon not particularly smart, but it is a start. Tesla has been working behind the scenes to revise or abolish R79, allowing for greater autonomy, but its primary focus has been on obtaining FSD approval. Perhaps the regulation will be repealed, which will also benefit ASS.

Tesla’s Smart Summon is a feature in Tesla vehicles equipped with Full Self-Driving (FSD) or Enhanced Autopilot packages. This feature allows your Tesla to navigate a parking lot autonomously to meet you or a designated location, as long as you’re within a certain range and maintain control via the Tesla app. It’s designed for convenience in situations where you might not want to walk to your car, such as in bad weather or when carrying heavy items.

Key Features of Smart Summon:

  1. Autonomous Parking Lot Navigation
  2. Control Through the Tesla App:
  3. Range
  4. Obstacle Detection


  • Line-of-Sight Requirement: The driver must be able to see the car at all times for safety reasons.
  • Speed: The car moves at a very low speed, typically under 5 mph, to minimize risks in complex parking environments.
  • Environmental Challenges: Smart Summon can struggle in environments with complex traffic patterns, poor visibility, or unmarked lanes.
  • Regulatory Restrictions: Depending on local laws, the feature may be restricted or limited in functionality.

Practical Use Cases:

  • Picking you up at the entrance of a store or building.
  • Maneuvering out of tight parking spots where entering the vehicle is challenging.

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